Playing Opportunities
Tennis Bundaberg offers a range of different options for players.
Wednesday & Thursday Night Fixtures
Please ring Tomas O’Malley on 0405105767 or email us if you are interested in playing or have any questions.
Caters for club members of all ages. All matches are doubles matches and players are grouped into divisions based on skill levels. All divisions are mixed. Players must be available to participate regularly throughout the season (approximately 15 weeks).
For information regarding the current season (including the draw and team lists) please see the below link.
COST: $20 per annum (membership) plus weekly fees of: Adults $15, School Students & concession $10. Gold Card unlimited tennis and pickleball $315 for adults and reduced rates for Concession holders and School Students. Ten (10) game punch cards for are $100 adults and $80 for Concession card holders and School Students.
Tuesday Night Social
Tuesday night casual tennis caters for A Grade players. Players do not need to be available regularly as sets are arranged as players arrive. Sets can be played as singles or doubles.
COST: $20 per annum plus weekly fees of: Adults $15, School Students $10 for see above for Gold Card and Punch card options.
CONTACT: Mark 0402837780
Bundaberg Seniors Tennis Club (Sunday)
Caters for players aged 30years or older. Club days are held fortnightly on Sundays.
COST: $20 per annum ($40 if you wish to play in tournaments) plus weekly fees of: $5 for members, $7 for visitors
Monday and Wednesday Seniors Social Tennis
6.30am to 10.00am: Contact Margo Payne 0741535595 or Chris Hicks 0466610040
Thursday Ladies
9.00am to 12MD: Contact Cathy Weller 0409051395